Sunday, February 12, 2012

Gratitude: Day 1

Ok. Here we go.

One of the most inspiring people in my life is listing 3 things she is grateful for each day. For 21 days. I need a little gratitude in my life and in her words it's "helping me on my life long journey of being awesome". Sounds good enough for me, here is what I am grateful for today:

1) The handsome man in my life
2) Season 1 of how I met your mother
3) Catching up with my amazing Calgary girls

Can't wait to be grateful for ridiculous and inspiring things tomorrow!


  1. Hey stranger! You need to check out my friend app called 1Thing. It's a gratitude app and she's started podcasts about practicing daily gratitude too. It's pretty great.

  2. I love this Julia! I want to hear about the awesome new guy?
