Monday, June 6, 2011

We do not remember days...

We do not remember days... we remember moments. - Cesare Pavese

I often think about the defining moments in my life. I remember significantly the times I took chances, big decisions that were made, spontaneous adventures, acceptance letters, job offers, unexpected kisses. The things that changed the course of my life, for a minute, for a few weeks, forever.

The more these moments happen the more they start to clearly show themselves I feel. The more we can see them for what they are when they occur, right there on street corners, in crowded bars, in airport waiting areas.

I met one of my best friends because my manager was busy at the time she needed to be picked up from the airport and I was not, we connected instantly. Again, in a flash I made an offside comment about driving a mom car (best ride ever) to her and she unveiled my deepest desires and what was holding me back from reaching them.

I will never forget a singular moment from a summer at camp. After rescuing a cabin group who sailed too far down the sound I can pinpoint a moment, sailing their laser back, hiking way out over the side, everything silhouetted in front of me, wind in my face, in my hair.

I can vividly see and hear and feel the moments when I received the worst of news. I can replay a first kiss over and over with heart warming clarity.

I do not remember entire days but simply snapshots. Perhaps this comes from the photographer in me, only able to connect in brief moments, frozen in a split second. Everything seen as if through a lens.

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