Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rejoice I could, rejoice I could, could take a choice, the choice I took

I've had a heck of a time sitting still long enough to write these days. That is when I need it the most and am quick to forget that settling my brain is what keeps me energized during times like this.

There are a million things setting my tiny heart on fire and making it skip beat after beat these days. I keep almost sitting down to put words to paper (or more realistically fingers to keys) and get side swiped by something else. Something else that inspires me. Sparks me. It is all possibility.

A dear friend wrote "Sometimes you just have to trust in yourself, that you are the possibility of creating greatness" . As she is the perennial optimist this didn't surprise me so much as helped me realize what was going on in my own life, and as often happens when like attracts like, the lives of those around me. I have made a lot of decisions that didn't work out at the time. I don't really believe in regrets but I know I could have learned a few lessons with a little less heart break, with a little more efficiency. I have also made some brilliant moves. Choices that could have been disastrous and yet seem to be the best I have made in a long time. Ever even. Funny enough they always came when I trusted myself most. When I made up my mind to go after what I wanted. After greatness. As I learned today, when those big risks, the leaps, when betting everything on yourself starts to pay off... well, I couldn't be more sure of my friend's words.

Daily I am in awe being part of the program I am embarking on. I am grateful that I get to be part of it with all the obstacles that could have so easily held me back. This is more than enough affirmation that making choices about who you want to be, what you want to do, what greatness you are ready to take a stand for, are the right choices but I am so lucky to also have the support of those around me. The heartfelt notes from two golden girls made it clear that we are not who we are for ourselves, we are first and foremost who we are for our people. The legacy we leave for others when we are gone is pivotal and I am aware more and more that connection is key to living a whole hearted life here.

Tonight on my run by the ocean the light was incredible. A time when I wished running with my Rebel was more feasible. Truly a photographers' dream. Sea and sky gleaming as the sun thought about heading west for the night. Vancouver in all her glory. And all I could think of was home....

p.s. I can listen to this song on repeat (for days). It seems to fit any mode or day... PURE LOVE.

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