Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I can see my city transforming as if before my very eyes. The buds are coming out, trees beginning to blossom. It is happening even before it's begun. That is like the new beginnings in my life. Sometimes when we see a little further out than what is right in front of us we can glimpse them on the horizon. The changes we dug our heels in against, like stubborn children at a toy store being dragged away from some brilliant display. Digging in against change, against the unknown. Suddenly. When we are forced to take count of what is truly going to happen we are given a chance to see what it may bring us. I have compassion for myself knowing that come summer everything could change again. My roommate may move on, to great things, to be a maker of change. Others will transition from places of proximity to dear pen pals, friends flung far and wide. This is not new to me. I am not is shock. My life is built on distance and often on longing. Like planets at a distant orbit, always kept at arms length but with an undeniable attraction. Or like the whales returning summer after summer, taking stock of what has changed, who made it through, who didn't. Creating newness. Cycling through again. Lucky for me i see what this change will bring. I see a home to myself with walls covered in art and space for handstand practice and down dogs. I see adventures across seas and to places that I will always call home. I feel opportunity flooding in through my finger tips. Ready to be put to use. I have given up on trying to control it all. I was born for leaving and as like attracts like, those who I love are the same way. Family and friends. No one I care about, like really truly love, stays in one place for very long. We can't. Restless young souls, we can't sit still.

So spring. I know you are on the horizon. I can see you glow, just there, out of reach. Hurry home. Light up my sky.

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