Sunday, March 4, 2012

Biting off more.

With that persistently cocky attitude I try not to shake I ambitiously started this mini-semester with the now foolish idea that it was going to be easy, I would be made of free time, I would ski every weekend. Alas, with that over confidence comes the easy wave of reality washing over me as I sit here at 11:30 at night. There is a chance I have bitten off more than I can chew and there are two options that stem from this. 1) get overwhelmed, freakout and do a half-assed job of all my commitments or 2) dust off my time management skills and diligence from The Core and put it into action. I will pick option 2 I think, though that comes at the end of a day of yoga and organization. Yesterday I would not have comfortably said I could commit to that.

So why is my life so busy you ask. Am I overloading courses? nope. Have I started a business on the side? Not that I know of. Have I actually gone through with a puppy-napping and now have the equivalent of a small child? I wish I had a puppy but sadly wrong again. With the luxury of a weekend course I suddenly felt free! With fridays off and clear mondays and Wednesdays I was over ambitious and let the part of my brain that says "yes" take over. So what am I up to? I am taking 4 incredibly interesting courses and I feel all are directly related to my passions and strengths which can be rare in this program... usually on the strengths side of things. With HR, Creativity, and Law I am able to do things I love everyday. This got the ball rolling and made me want to do more things I love. So I took on the opportunity to work with a good friend, helping him out with his charity. Then I took on some writing and photography gigs. Now working on an incredibly cool project at school. Life is good but like anything that is exciting I let it spiral a bit out of control. I am pulling in the reins.

It is funny because it all comes back to my class in creativity. Can I just say how unexpectedly terrific it is that I have a creativity class in my MBA! Anyway, we are required to keep a journal through out the 6 weeks of the course and so the potential processes and definitions of creativity are constantly rolling around in my skull. Whether in yoga class, driving, doing other course work, or watching TV I am dissecting and re-defining what creativity means to me. Trying to put my finger on it. This showed up in my photography and conversations when I was lucky enough to be part of an event welcoming in potential and future MBA candidates. It's funny how a simply awareness can lead to so many little shifts.

Anyway, with that all said and done, I need to get back to work. Hope that things are wonderful, busy and a little overwhelmingly inspiring in your lives!

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