Monday, July 9, 2012

The bucket list. Part 1.

My official bucket list is 2 items long. There are a lot of things I want to see and do but these two make the list year after year, the two things I would hate to leave this world without experiencing. They are the things that when I imagine them I get chills and my bones and sinews and heart know what it would feel like. Diverse in their magnitude and in their rarity I am not sure why they  are the only two things I just can't seem to let go of.

Another year has passed and in my extreme youth of 27 I am shocked at what I have already experienced. This year has been more full than most and since I am finally pursuing what I want, what I am meant to do, this year has been more full with the gifts that come when you are on this path. My 26th birthday was one of mixed emotion. I had a year of uncertainty ahead of me, not knowing what Vancouver or school or life would bring. At Stampede I celebrated the unknown by kissing boys and drinking beer and watching horses pull chucks around and around. I cried, a lot, and laughed with beautiful friends. Later in the fall I went back to school with stability of place, piece of mind to stay single, a dedication to learning as much as possible and a fear of someone figuring it out that I wasn't everything my slim resume and mediocre GMAT scores let on. And then everything changed. A year later I have a full and stable heart, no fear of people figuring out "the truth. I have realized that I can be great and not have the strict controls I placed on myself to try to ensure I "stayed out of trouble". Getting into trouble was the best thing I did in my 26th year. Taking risks and letting things work themselves out made the last 12 months remarkable. All I can see is adventure ahead. Instead of praying for the stability of externalities I know that everything around me can shift and I will stay as steady as necessary. I have also reflected that I know where home is but I don't need to be there. I will ever be a girl of prairie skies and rocky peaks and that is where my heart resides but after a long year I know I can live anywhere. I will live anywhere. My roots are deep, they will not be easily pulled up.

So what now. After turning 27 by the lake. What will pull me onto what's next?

I will kiss the Stanley Cup.

I will experience Alaska.

Maybe I will add a few more to the bucket list.

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