Saturday, August 27, 2011

Do what you love, Love what you do.

When it comes down to it, it is all about the choices we make. It is all about the clarity to see the bigger picture. It is all about looking at the world with a little bit of wonder, a little bit of mystery.

Being in a program with about 100 people from all different continents, backgrounds, of all different ages and experiences is a most unique and astounding experience. Even more astounding is that at the end of the day we are all here for the same reason. To do what we love. To love what we do. The common bond makes the upcoming 4 months of stress bearable. Each class, each challenge, each endlessly late night all in the pursuit of achieving the big goals. The ones that mean something.

This morning I woke up, 6 hours later than normal, to Jack Layton's state funeral. Not being incredibly knowledgeable of politics, or even reasonably so, all I knew about Jack and the NDP I learned from my sister and limited watching of the news. All I knew for sure was that he seemed like a good guy, incredibly interesting, endlessly compassionate and tireless in the pursuit of what he believed was right. I think we can learn a lot about from this. He is our shining example of  someone who truly did what he loved and loved what he did. Hearing other speak of him, seeing the reaction of the crowds in Toronto and becoming moved and inspired myself, it is evident that he was a different kind of leader. He was someone who I will go so far as to say, boldly lead the trend of learning the rules of the game then systematically breaking them. He has left a legacy that I hope will not be soon forgotten and that will be actively embraced by those left behind.

No matter who it is, it all comes down to choices. Sometimes it is hard to choose a road that hasn't been tread before but looking at these challenges, this trail breaking, as an adventure, as a tool to get the end result can make all the difference. A few days ago I decided that I was intrigued by accounting. Yes, accounting. Going into each class and learning more about something that will make me successful at owning my own business, seeing each uncomfortable lack of knowledge as an exciting chance to learn more. I could choose to make these discouraging, get bogged down in the overwhelming volume of things I don't know, haven't yet learned but why? Yes, there will be days when I am sure this will happen but isn't it more fun, more productive, to see it all as one great challenge that has an equally great reward?

Perspective, choice, do what you love. Choose what you do.


Jack would like these MBA students.

Doing what we love.

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