Wednesday, September 14, 2011

And it sure feels good to finally feel the way I do.

Inspiration comes from the tiniest places, the smallest things.

This morning on my ride to school we were in the middle of solving all the problems in the world when a song came on the radio. Being the only 2 people we hang out with on a regular basis who love country we tend to rock out hard in the station wagon on our daily commute. There has been a song on the tip of my tongue since Stampede. I define it as the one that I "always get two-stepped to" or "that one that when it comes on everyone sings" but rarely being sober in those situations the lyrics always escape me. This morning mid sentence it came on. Loud and clear. In the bright day light, driving along the ocean my heart beat a bit faster. I listened to the lyrics for what felt like the first time and it brought me home. Not home to the prairies but home to what it feels like to be on the dance floor at Nashville North, happy, in the moment, likely being spun by some tall handsome cowboy. Freeing. It stuck with me all day. For some reason I was alert in class (great!) and I felt like I finally had ideas to contribute (bonus!).

It can be the little things, the songs we hear on the radio, the notes from friends or loved ones, the funny or thoughtful text or Facebook messages we receive. These are the daily inspirations. This is what makes us better. This is what keeps us in the moment, allows us to be present, be authentic, be great. The beauty in the simple.

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