Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where the West was all but won.

You really never know what you are going to fall into. Sometimes it is that simple connection to faith in the universe that keeps it all working out. Life is fast paced these days. Picking up up steam with exceptional speed at every turn and yet the advice we continue to receive is to take it in stride, not to worry about the marks and to enjoy each others company. So instead of studying up on a simulation that will account for a significant portion of our grade for the term we went out, had a few drinks, ate burgers, danced like it was our job. And funny enough, it was. For the night. Our last good kick at the can for a little while.

Now i know I have posted this before... but really, who doesn't need a sweet song to fall asleep to on a Thursday. You can bet it's what i'm listening to tonight.

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