Wednesday, November 9, 2011

You're the hope that ends disaster

I don't know what to tell you.

Today was a sweet day. It was juicy in its simple goodness. It was not a day of the remarkable or the fantastic. It was not a day of big wins or bright revelations. For all the things it wasn't, today was full of warm smiles, small gestures, subtle realizations.

There was an ease to it all. Through the long grey day, splattered with rain drops and rotting leaves, staining the sidewalks rust coloured, there was a gentle energy. Something kept me going, saw me through.  Perhaps it was because today lacked the rushing around that his filled so much of my life these days. Perhaps it was because of the four and a half hours sleep I got last night making me a little delirious.

One small victory of the day is that this will be my 200th post. I write this with half a smile thinking at all the papers and assignments I could have put this time, this sweat, maybe not these tears, into. The hundreds of pages of work, tens of hours, that could have gone into something "more productive".  The thing that makes that smile so satisfying is that this is best thing I have done. This practice, this work, what I am able to get across, without it? who knows where I would be. It filters into everything. My whole life reflects this work. And maybe, just maybe, that is why days like today are so special. That just being in something and being aware of it has so much power, provides so much contentment.

Yes, today, for all its cold and rain and long economics classes was a sweet day.

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