Sunday, February 6, 2011

Go west young man.

I am easily moved lately. The distinction between what and who I find inspiring and what and who I do not is felt through every bone in my body. That which pulls at my heart strings is overwhelming. Beauty in everything.

There is one movie that seems to resonate more deeply than others. I am touched by the grand picture and the tiny details. The sound track, the mode of transportation, the journey, the stops along the way, the destination. I am in love with the urgency and the wandering. I am in love with the sense of adventure, the need to do what feels right. I am in love with the synchronicity. To be honest I just love Pacey and Motorcycles.

If you haven't seen One Week I strongly suggest you do. You can borrow my copy. If you have ever felt proudly Canadian, ever wanted to get on a bike and spend time with yourself, the road and nature. If you ever just wanted to go west. Watch this movie... then, Go West Young Man.


  1. Totally agree with you on that one... one of my favorites, and the soundtrack is amazing too.

  2. I loved it because it is a great love letter to our country, but also because I had done a road trip like that one not too long ago, and had just bought a motorcycle! It was like I was watching myself, minus the cancer.
    Ok, there were lots of other differences too, but I definitely related to it.
    I think everyone can. Well... any true Canadian anyways.
    Great movie.
