Monday, October 24, 2011

Are you holding back?

My golden girl and I have been speaking at length about the remarkable lives we have fallen into these days. Who are we kidding, we created them. For lack of any better description I can grasp at we are living the lives we barely had the guts to try to imagine.

We call each other daily to remark at what had happened that was beyond what we thought possible. Life isn't perfect. Don't get me wrong, it is hard, and we both continue to exclaim how exhausted we are but this development and the lessons we are learning are too great to sleep. It's funny when this happens all at once.

These are the days. These are the game changers. Those disruptive moments that break all the rules then redefine the hell out of them. This is what we live for. These are the moments that remind us of faith, faith in the goodness of people, in our own strength, in the universe. These fractions of moments that we allow to slip in through the cracks that change it all.

I stumbled across this video

This is what kicked off my morning and it reminded me that we all make sacrifices for greatness and also that in the end the journey and the destination are worth it. Oh yeah, and that I need to hit a gym... hard.

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