Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gotta be a love.

Bad things happen to good people, it is how we deal with those things that defines us. 

Sarah Burke died this morning. Those she left clung to the hope she would recover from her devastating fall 9 days ago but sadly that wasn't the case. Like any time a young, vibrant, much loved life ends there is an outpouring of love. There is a deep hurt, confusion about why this would happen to such an amazing person, who gave so much in their short life. There is pain, because in this industry we tend to loose an icon a year these days. There is so much that would have us tend to the worst but something ultimately beautiful happens.... There is a rush to comfort and support those left behind. There is a renewed urge to tell those you love that they mean the world to you. For me, and so many others, there is a deep, insatiable need to be in the mountains. To be close to something greater than ourselves. Every time something like this happens I feel a magnetic tug in my chest. Leading me home. It was where Sarah shone. It was where she worked, played, fell in love with her friends, family and her passionate husband. It was where she, like so many of us, felt alive. 

Line skis Facebook page read: "Remember her, celebrate her life, hug your loved ones and go skiing for Sarah." posted: "It is in the toughest of moments which our hope must speak its loudest. Always #BelieveInSarah."

I remember I was in university when I discovered Sarah Burke. I wanted to BE her. She was funny, self assured and she skied like no one else I had ever seen. I read every article I could get my hands on and was perpetually astounded at what she would do, how hard she would compete in the worst of physical conditions. She had fortitude. She had spirit. She had an unwavering persistence. I will miss seeing her compete for her country at the 2014 Olympic Games. Her goal will go unfinished but those competing will surely feel her presence as they compete in sports she fought so hard to have included.

If you wish to make a donation to the fundraiser to help her family pay her outstanding medical bills the link is provided below:

1 comment:

  1. Sarah spent her offseasons at my gym in North Van training to achieve her olympic goals. Both her coaches and the athletes who saw her dedication to her dream on a daily basis over the many years of dedicated training mourn her passing and her pursuit of a living dream; to represent her nation at the highest level of international level of competition, the Olympic Games.
