Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Trophy Shelf of Learning.

Reading a dear friend's blog today made it all very clear to me. Sometimes what is hardest, sometimes what we initially see as failure, can be the moments we are most proud of. As she put it, these come to sit on our trophy shelf of learning.

I tend to be more reflective as of late and am astounded at how much as changed in the last year, in the last two years. Each step that seems strange, not 'on track', each step that could have been false, lead me to this place. This is not where I intended to be. This was not in my master plan of how my life would work out. It is so much better. The unknown is incredibly scary but it is also incredibly exciting. What I finding is that this great love of just figuring it out as I go, of enjoying the space in my life, makes it so incredibly challenging to set a clear vision, clear goals.

This is strange for me. I have in the past been the one who knew exactly what her life would look like, yes, right down to the feeling of the hardwood floors in my Kitsilano home. I knew what job, how many dogs, where I would live... everything 10 years down the road. Now... not only do I have little clue about that but I also don't know where I will be, what I will be doing this summer, next December. The thing is... when I was trying to plan it all I wasn't spending enough time out there, making mistakes, turning them into successes. Life is so much better now that I am spending all my busy time doing things. Yes. Doing things is the scientific term I was looking for.

This being said there is still so much merit in goal setting, in vision making. It is what guides the big picture. It is what forms the journey in the down time. Just make sure not to make the plan too air tight.

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