Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Get out there and tell your story in your photographs.

After a sleepless night, (reasons listed: noisy upstairs neighbors, bustling rainy streets below, night buses outside my window, multitude of thoughts racing though my head) this morning had a less than promising future. I woke up to the sound of rain washing away the city grime from the day before, making greens greener and flowers bloom under the gray of the sky. Yesterday had been a step in the right direction. Still high from the upward spiral of the day before, I found myself happy and looking forward to being in the city. Less focused on what was, more on what was might be. Ahhh possibilities.

This morning I had bold intentions of finding a job, all or nothing. Instead of finding a job I had an opportunity to face the choices I have made recently and be completely honest about why I made them. I didn’t have the time or luxury to be attached to the outcome, to twist my words to enable me to ‘look good’. It was just me, facing up to the mistakes and bold steps I had made this year. Nothing else. It was not nearly as fun as it sounds. I did learn a few things: 1) I will be a better business women that I had ever truly believed 2) I make good choices and shouldn’t doubt myself 3) Space and time will teach me patience. Lastly, when in doubt look to what inspires you. For me, after a bit of a shaky start it was sitting in a coffee shop, drinking a cappuccino from a tiny cup while the rain poured outside and reading.  Joseph Campbell and his work “The Power of Myth” are a touchstone in my life. A book so full of wisdom there is one chapter that speaks to the importance of following your bliss. Do what you love. What came up for me, going through the first few chapters was this:
-       It is the imperfections in life that are lovable.
-       There is no meaning, it is just there. That is it and your own meaning is that you are there.
-       Read myths, they teach that you can turn inwards and begin to get the message that was meant for you.

At the end of the day when the chips are down sometimes it can be hard to remember what you stand for, what the big picture is. Take a step back, remind yourself what you want in life and get back on the path. When everything else falls away I am so grateful for my loving family, for my amazing friendships, for the journey (even though I don’t like going through the process right now). So sitting in that little coffee shop in the rain here is what came to me.

Go, go and take pictures. Get out there and tell your story in your photographs.

I think that is just what I will do.

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