Monday, May 30, 2011

When I practice, I come home.

As I sit here watching the dragon boats go by, the Yaletown dogs going for their evening walks, I am sticking to my guns on this whole path of least resistance, going with the flow of life thing.

It is falling into place and I can see the bigger picture a little more clearly. I am starting to see that when things are right they do come a little easier. Once again, being honest, laying the cards on the table, works when what you are going after is in line with what you really want. Trying to cover up the parts of your life and yourself that you think aren't gets you only so far. Being honest and embracing them creates the opportunity for greatness. ACTUAL greatness. The kind of greatness where you freakout a little in awe that you are getting exactly what you want and were always afraid to ask for for fear of falling flat.  Now I am not saying this is a fool proof method. That being vulnerable in combination with confidence will get you anything. If that was true I would have a pony. And maybe that coral coloured blazer I am coveting from aritzia. If it is not right this doesn't work. If the job, the boy, the what-ever isn't what is meant for you then it isn't going to happen this easily.  

I wont lie a lot of hard work is going into this too. Giving it up, taking a risk, working hard for something is essential but when it works out and you are still happy and reasonably balanced at the end of the day just be grateful and take it. Be happy. Go with the flow. Take your failures (they are not bad) and your lessons learned and your hard work and get what you want. 

So Vancouver is warming on me needless to say. Delicious affordable sushi (literally 5 places within a block of me), beautiful scenery, amazing opportunities. I am getting back to a consistent yoga practice and am reminded of all the things I love about it. Despite this, and the view this evening I still miss the Alberta sky.

‎"I come from the prairies. When I practice, I come home. Home to the familiar expanse of a never-ending sky. Home to solid land that stretches in all directions. Home to a place in my heart that is always there, no matter where I am." - Ingrid Nilson

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