Saturday, November 20, 2010

Just like raindrops, even though you're a million miles away

I always think of Maslow's hierarchy of needs in times like these. Times where I am fine with having no integrity because my ability to stay vertical during the day, function on very minimal rest and sap the last remaining drops of good health before crashing are the guiding force at the forefront of my cluttered mind. So my house of cards has blown over and the only thing left to do is cut my losses and sleep. Sleep. Like seriously sleep in past 6 am (which IS a sleep in folks). I need to sharpen the saw sort to speak. To rekindle the dying fire in my chest before it burns out completely. I have made the last week, 2 weeks, work. I have gotten by and given as much as I could, sometimes more, when ever I could muster it. I paid for the push in a lot of tear soaked drives to and from my beloved northerly mall, soundtrack- Journey. I let a lot of people down. I am so sorry if you were one of those my integrity crumbled with. I will apologize in person soon. In the mean time I will sleep. Get my life back together. Get my practice back on track. ALL in time for the  one thing that brings me so much joy. My twin sister back from Aus. Sigh. Long week behind, long week ahead. This time I will be prepared.


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