Saturday, January 1, 2011

The same thing I would want today I would want again tomorrow.

Well, I'm not going to lie.  My first day of this bright new year, this bright new decade started not unlike the last day of the last year, the last decade. I spent the vast majority of my day on the couch.

I hate to admit this but, it's the truth. I would love to have said I spent the day in the mountains, going for a run, practicing yoga, taking pictures. Making big steps. The nice thing is I spent it re-couping. I feel like this was the day I spent reading, focusing strictly on feeling better is going to set me up. Because, 2011, I have BIG plans for you.

One of my dear friends came to see me on my sick bed, eat my food, watch TV with my family. She also brought along a lovely christmas gift! Medicine Cards. An amazing book and cards that enlighten and inspire through animal totems. Now I haven't really played around with anything like this before. Nor am I sure you can actually play with these sorts of things. Needless to say I pulled the Elk card, just haphazardly. Reading from the accompanying book the elk symbolizes stamina. Now pulling this card, it read, could be telling me how I am holding up physically to stresses in my life. It comes up to tell me to pace myself so I can maintain an equilibrium of energy over the distance I plan to cover. Other key things it offers are to take vitamins and eat high-energy foods and to take some personal quiet time for replenishment. Funny enough, this is just what I have been focusing on.

Isn't it fun when you get the same message from a million different sources?! I can tell you it is even better when one of those sources is a card with a picture of an elk on it.

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