I've been struggling to compile a year in review for 2012 and a game plan for 2013 for about the last week. It's not that i haven't had the time. I have had more time at my disposal since the 19th of December than I have in what feels like years, and in reality probably is. Part of it is for me that for the last 9 years I have never really felt like January first is the start of my year, February first has always been. At first this was for reasons sad and startling, now for a new and wonderful beginning!
For me this January will be much more of a wrapping up. I'm moving, to somewhere I claimed I never would but have recently fallen in love with. January will be about packing up my tiny apartment in Vancouver, about visiting my local haunts, about spending time with friends I may not see for a while. February will be all sorts of a new beginning. February first means a new home, a new job (fingers crossed), living in a city with some of my dearest friends and the person I like best. February will be all about finding my favourite coffee shops and yoga classes and where I can buy gluten free treats and fresh raspberries. Also where I can buy peonies when the season is right.
It is hard to think that for the second time under two years everything is changing again. City, apartment, local friends, cheap sushi, and late night 5 cent sour key vendors, for those study nights that just need some nostalgia. But again it is just opportunity. The nice thing of starting at zero is that everything is ahead, ready to be created or taken hold of. It is a scary and wonderful feeling all at once. The kind of invigoration the soul needs once in a while. And yes, I am serial wanderer. Keeping me in one place for more than a handful of months is a task few are willing to take one, I myself am rarely one of them, but this time there is just SO MUCH adventure at my finger tips, I think I will be busy for a while.
So that's it. 2012 has been a remarkable year. I feel I say that every year and I guess they all are but this was a big one. There have been years in the past where I was asked to step up and I did, years where I was told to step up and given no other option, but this year I can say with certainty I was surrounded by people who gave me the space and tools and unwavering, if not incredibly humours, support to grow up a bit and get one step closer to the person I am meant to be. For that I am so grateful.
Best of luck for 2013, may it be every bit as humorous and memorable as you can handle!